Our team of chartered tax advisers provide a range of business taxation services specialising in the following areas:
Self Assessment
If you earn income from a trade or profession you may need to register for income tax under the self assessment method of tax and file an annual income tax return. Once you have elected for the self assessment method you are obliged to file an annual tax return every year irrespective of whether you have made a profit, a loss or have not engaged in any trading activiy during the year.
Depending on whether your business activity engages in selling physical products or the provision of a service the turnover of your business will determine whether or not you are obliged to register for VAT. However, even if the turnover of you business does not reach the threshold requiring you to register for VAT, you may decide to elect to register for VAT. Once registered for VAT you will be required to file periodic VAT returns.
Corporation Tax
If you are operating through a limited company, the company will be regarded as an independent entity. Therefore you will need to complete and file a company financial year end tax return known as a CT1. This tax return is in addition and separate to your personal income tax return.
Click here for a no obligation consultation with a member of our business taxes team on any aspect of personal tax.